Evaluation task 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

In order to gain a better understanding of our target audience, we interviewed several people of varying age and gender, asking them questions about thrillers.

Gender: Female
Age: 40+

Gender: Male
Age: 40+

Gender: Female
Age: + 40

Gender: Female
Age: + 40

Gender: Female
Age: 15 - 29

Gender: Female
Age: 15 - 29

Gender: Male
Age: 15 - 25

Gender: Male
Age: 21 - 39

Gender: Male
Age: 40+

Gender: Female
Age: 21 - 39

In conclusion, horror/supernatural thrillers were proven to be mostly popular among younger people (15 to 25) but also relatively popular with most audiences. This is only a small selection of interviews so therefore not necessarily a good representation of the public.

Research into a similar product

Below, I've included some statistics from IMDB (The International Movie Database) about viewing statistics for a film similar to ours (What Lies Beneath ). The film was most popular with females under the age of 18, which supports the conclusion of our interviews. This is the girly sleepover horror movie market which lots of horror films try to get into.