Thriller - Locations

We sat down and worked out all of the separate locations where we would need to film. The list goes as follows.

  • Chloe's bedroom - We will use one of the boarding house bedrooms (probably, again, B Webb) for this, or the bedroom of somebody who lives close to the college. I feel that it is very important that the bedroom actually looks like it could belong to a teenage girl and has been lived in. Makeup, a mirror and girly posters, etc.
  • Archie's kitchen - Apparently the B Webb kitchens looks like an proper house kitchen so considering that we are already filming a lot in B Webb we will most likely use it for the Kitchen scene. I want the kitchen to be fairly straightforward and neat to show Archie's personality.
  • Archie's bedroom - Again, either B Webb or another boarding house. I was fairly adamant that we use a different boarding house or a real teenagers bedroom but the group seemed to be more geared towards filming the whole thing in one boarding house
  • Producer's office/hallway - We tried to call various offices in the local area to see if we could use them for filming but we had no luck. We will most likely use the college's editing suite for this scene.