Research into genre conventions - Pop

The pop genre is a lot easier to distinguish than many other genres. Despite this, pop aesthetic and conventions often vary quite a lot. Our song contains elelments of hip hop and electronic but is still mostly pop.


One of the Boys - katy Perry
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
Bounce - Iggy Azalea

The Fame Monster - lady Gaga
Pink Friday Reloaded - Nicki Minaj
Pop album colours are often colourful and bright with friendly, apporachable, pastel colours. They often use bouncy, cartoony fonts, as seen in almost all of the examples given. In the cover for 'Teenage Dream' by Katy Perry (as shown above), there is strong use of sex appeal and promiscuity as Katy Perry is shown, naked and strewn in a seductive pose across a pink cloud. The same can be said for Nicki Minaj's 'Pink Friday'. many pop albums such as Iggy Azalea's 'Bounce' and Lady Gaga's 'The Fame Monster', which shows a black and white image of her in an artsy back outfit with crazy hair, have a focus of fashion and trendiness. A lot of these types of album tend to be less bright and colourful than other pop albums. A recurring theme in pop albums is the use of photography, whilst other genres tend to focus more on the music, pop is more focused on the artist and their image. For this reason, the albums will often feature photos of the singer.

Generally speaking, the target audience for pop artists is female 'tweens' (young girls around and below their teenage years). Because of their age, they are not expected to be interested in music in an artistic way, but instead to be drawn to whatever is shiniest, brightest and the most fun. Often, pop artists use the bright, fun aesthetic to rise to fame and once they have established an audience they become more focused on their music.


I found a few pop music videos which I felt were similar to the kind of pop genre we are going for with our video.

Nicki Minaj - The Boys

In the screenshot below, we see how Nicki eminates sass and attitude. This hip-hop, female rapper sassitude is shown through her body language and the way she treats men in the video. The men are starstruck by her but she brushes them off, uninterested. This makes her seem like a strong, independent, sassy woman - a pop archetype. The bright colours and costume are also very typical of a pop video. Nicki goes through several outfits, hairstyles and even haircolours through the video.

Little Mix - How Ya Doin?

This Little Mix video also is very typical of the pop genre. There is emphasis on parties, dancing, fashion and fun - anything that a young teenage girl would find interersting. The video uses a variety of backgrounds and sets in order to keep the viewrs attention as much as possible. We see the singers trying on different outfits and posing in them.

Pop music conventions are very much based around their target audience. The key words which have become apparant are all things which one would associate with young tweenage girls:
  • Bright colours
  • Parties
  • Fun
  • Bouncy
  • Attitude/sass
  • Female
  • Fashion/clothes
  • Cool